1. Interview** with Dr.Walter on Mahler 9 recording
2. Symphony No.9 in D major;i. Andante commodo
3. ii. In tempo eines gemächlichen Ländlers
4. iii. Rondo
5. Symphony No.9 in D major;iv. Adagio
6. Symphony No.4 in G major;i. Bedächtig, nicht eilen
7. ii. In gemächlicher Bewegung, ohne Hast
8. iii. Ruhevoll, poco adagio
9. iv. Sehr behaglich
More Info:
(in the year before Dr. Walter's own death.. his friend Mahler's own 9th symphony) "he unerringly builds up consistent structure, controlling tempo closely... middle movements are sharply focussed, and the finale tough and stoically strong" (3 stars) (4th) "sound has attractively vivid detail, naturally glowing... everything Reiner does sounds spontaneous... Viennese influence strong... slow movement striking intensity... Lisa della Casa in ravishing voice" (both Penguin Guide)